Synopsis: A teen romantic drama tells the story of two young men who belong to opposite worlds. It tells the story of an almost impossible, but unavoidable, ending the couple dragging a frantic voyage of discovery where you will discover together the first great love. She is a girl from upper-middle class that is educated in the goodness, the innocence and standards. He is a rebellious girl, impulsive, unconscious appetite for risk and danger, locked in endless fights and illegal racing bikes, the limits of common sense.
Principal characters: Mario Casas (Hache), María Valverde (Babi), Álvaro Cervantes (Pollo), Marina Salas (Katina).
Opinion: The movie seemed very nice, has action, drama and romance, she teaches us to fight for what we want, we can not just stay in the sadness of a lost love, and we must learn to overcome our herores life, and only then can we move forward.